Feel like a real Cowboy!

Ok, this is a product of my imagination, because you see, I’ve never had the chance to be a cowboy. Nevertheless, my sister and my brother-in-law adore this hot recipe!


-400 gram/ 14 oz of prepared canned red kidney beans
-400 gram/ 14 oz of prepared canned corn
-400 gram/ 14 oz of sliced bacon or 12-15 strips (chop the bacon in very tiny squares of ½ inch x ½ inch)
-250 gram/ 9 oz of canned mushrooms
-250 ml of tomato juice
-1 tablespoon of boukovo or 20 ml Tabasco® sauce or 20 ml of your tabasco-style sauce… (alternatively you can chop 3-4 Thai peppers or 2 chili peppers or any hot peppers you like)
-4 tablespoons of oil
-½ tsp salt


Put in nonstick frying pan the oil. After it gets heated add the well drained mushrooms and the bacon and sauté them well. Then, add the canned beans (with all their broth –this is important) and the drained corn. Stir well for 5 min. Then, add the tomato juice, salt and the HOT stuff (I mean boukovo, Tabasco or the hot peppers you got). Stir once and simmer for 10 min.

That’ it! Instead of hot coffee try cool beer and you will remember me…

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